* idea children draw animation

About Us phisitja@yahoo.com (in thai and eng no translate make word suit for easy to read but family)

we make software and technology for all people use easy and quality

thaisong for peace and equal people

krom rattanakosin band for father and mother
| more detail

mue tbone band porpeanglife | more detail

rongreankhongnhu pu band children dream to learn | more detail

langbang karabao band for all people | more detail

khamfankhongdekkhangtanon nhu meter banderfor children | more detail

mahaibankerd pee mue pongtap band for home country | more detail

made in thailand karabao band product from thailand | more detail

tepebanprai kung sutirat for porpeanglife | more detail


My product

* idea children draw animation

* protect source code php by encode it
* game jigsaw
* time2play capture clock for use computer
* slice image html for make web

* hair design
* cloth design
* j2me mobile dic
* inventory stock
* time stamp
* sudmon
* invoice

* seerung painting idea
* idea dic
* idea crosstitch
* good health
* point of sale
* sound recorder
* time clock
* idea close screen
* idea count stat
* idea name card
* idea gen graph
* idea mobile medicine
* idea mobile guitar cord
* idea j2me pab kra dad
* idea j2me hand shadow rabbit and hoy targ
* idea j2me food on hand
* idea children draw animation


ตั้งแต่ 19/05/2552
[ Page Count 38 / online 2 ]

ปรับปรุงล่าสุด 19/05/2552
ไอเดียสร้างสรรค์ดอทคอม www.ideasaangsaan.com phisitja@yahoo.com phisitja.multiply.com (2552)



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