software tangtam (idea children draw animation)

software tangtam (idea children draw animation)

About Us (in thai and eng no translate make word suit for easy to read but family)

we make software and technology for all people use easy and quality

About Us (in thai and eng no translate make word suit for easy to read but family)

we make software and technology for all people use easy and quality

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software tangtam (idea children draw animation)

good thing to you.

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for children and all user to draw and paint picture on your computer
and you can review picture step to draw for this software to view
animation. and you can bring picture from program to make animation can
make cartoon, background, e card for happy and you dream.

this example you can not
use another color. and you can animation piture 10 times. on real
software you can use many color and make animation.

price 50 bath

example animation. thank gimp

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since 06/08/2552 (d/m/y)
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